Part 30: Of Sacred Blood - Battle
Chapter 13 Battle![](1-1.jpg)
This is the team going to battle for their lives. Notable inventory includes giving Iron Weapons to the Second Sealed squad, and Frederick carrying all the B Axes he can carry.
Let's begin
*crows appear*
So uh, this is Henry. He like crow puns and killing things. He's a much more accurate Tome-slinger than Tharja, but much slower than her. Ruin is a 4 Mt, C rank Dark Tome with an absurd 50 Crit. Combined with the Dark Mage abilities that reduce crit dodge, his one shot per battle potentially can kill anything.
Robin joins with her husband, while Donny hitches a ride on Nowi's back.
Gregor supports Cordy as they form a small wall south of the starting location.
Even with Kellam's support, Henry has no shot doubling a Myrmidon. He also missed out on favorable crit odds.
Round 2 went better for him.
The rest of the team hangs around for reaction to the enemy.
The first couple of Fighters suicide into the Mercs duo.
If you're going to be doubled, do it in style.
An Archer tries his luck to maybe scratch Nowi's tail, but Donny retaliates for harming her.
Nowi is never going to double anyone again, is she....
This is what you voted for!
Gregor knocks out an Archer, while Nowi chips out a Myrmidon.
Frederick gets a hit bonus from Tharja (the irony) and finishes off a Risen.
The Ylissean royalty climb to the right hill as they plan to take on the entire side.
Meanwhile, Olivia ends the turn with a good level, gaining everything but magic stuff.
Gregor smashes.
Gregor get good level. Finally hit double-digit luck!
A Fighter harmlessly targets Nowi, while Chrom takes on the first victim of the Right Massacre.
Some clean-up by the OG crew.
Nowi covers the left side's hill entrance, then Lissa Rescues Frederick from the range of the Bows up ahead.
If only your brother could switch stat gains with you, Lissa....
The rest of the team plugs up the Fortresses to prevent reinforcements. Another Myrmidon Risen bounces off Nowi's dragon armor.
A few Archers miss Nowi and Robin, most notably a Sniper that got too close to the Queen and got himself beheaded. She receives a Silver Bow as a prize.
Her stats are really...funky. Not really that special, but having S-Support with Chrom covers a lot of flaws.
The enemy squad north of the starting location have almost made it to the bottom. Nowi will hang around and try to weaken any intruders.
Robin gains A rank for Tomes.
Really, now.
Yeesh, that's a really strong Warrior to be able to deal that much to Nowi.
Nowi gets her revenge with help from Donny.
Yes, speed! And everything else, but speed!
Nowi learns Wyrmsbane, which gives her Effective Damage against any Dragon-type enemy (mostly Wyverns) while in Manakete form. Donny gets to C rank Swords. The duo gets a Silver Axe from the ashes.
Henry finishes off the Myrmidon, then a Dance with Olivia later, switches fort position with Team Mercs.
Support-boosting quotes change when the pair is married.
A couple Longbows miss on the Shepherds before a Fighter suicides into Robin.
A couple Risens attempt to take on Nowi, both falling to Donny's blade. Odd, considering they don't even have a Support rank.
Cordy gets a good level out of killing a foolish Fighter.
Gregor finishes off another Risen.
Not making a good case to stick around, Cherche.
Come on, even Tharja hit it. Twice!
I think they have C-Support by now.
Donny also gets luck and defense, while Nowi gets skill and defense. Blasted speed eludes her again!
Robin continues to advance while taking out another Archer. More reinforcements appear to start the enemies' next turn,
Eh, she's fine.
Robin gains some stats and more importantly the ability Ignis [Adds (Magic)/2 to Strength when dealing physical damage and (Strength)/2 to Magic when dealing magical damage].
Cherche redeems herself and gets an excellent level, gaining everything but skill and defense (Yes, she gained Mag again
Cordy walls off the left hill again as enemies pop out from all the open forts, including one nearby.
This mission's going a lot faster than it should with all these un-ranked Dual Attacks happening.
Henry is just too slow even WITH Kellam's Thief bonus. This is going to be a gauge for future voting of party members.
But Henry is going to do his damn hardest to keep up.
Kellam cleans up another Risen.
Cordy backs off a bit to bait the rest of the left Risen, getting a heal from Lissa in the meantime.
Robin kill stuff good.
Cordy gains a great level, just in time for a promotion if needed.
More Risen challenge the Queen. She camps out in the woods after the counterkill.
Lissa heals herself with a Concoction, then Olivia dances for her to get another level.
The Sniper Risen, who's surprisingly pretty speedy, gets taken down by both young Mercs.
Cordy avoids all the long-range weaponry from the Risen, while Chrom kills off the Fighter.
Nowi chips out the Fighter for Gregor to take the needed EXP.
Eh, I guess he needed resistance?
Cherche flies over and transfers Cordy as back-up to double the Archer. She gains a Longbow for her troubles (9 Mt, C rank Bow that has 2-3 range. Great weapon for Bow-users and really the only reason to use Snipers since Bow Knights can't use it).
Lissa gains another level, possibly reaching more Mag than Chrom has for strength which is all kinds of embarrassing. Then again, she's by far the highest leveled character on the team. I don't think anyone else is close to double-digits as an advanced class.
Cherche, don't make this your trademark.
Nowi chips out the Myrmidon, then after some Olivia hijinks, Kellam gets into the Risen's face and slashes him off.
Wow, strength! Only took like what, 6 levels?
Kellam finishes off the last mook Risen, then Chrom declares battle against the Chief.
Chrom learns Aether and won a Skill Book.
*An assassin Risen teleports in*
*Marth Support Defends*
Starting Class: Dark Mage
Weapon Ranks: Tomes (C)
-Hex (Avoid -15 to all adjacent enemies)
-Anathema (Avoid and Critical Avoid -10 to all enemies within a 3 tile radius)
Dark Mage Support Bonus: +3 Mag/Def
Reclass options: Dark Mage, Barbarian, Thief
Base stats-Hard Mode (Growths)
HP: 29 (95) Spd: 9 (55)
Str: 5 (40) Lck: 10 (40)
Mag: 14 (50) Def: 13 (50)
Skill: 15 (60) Res: 5 (30)
Henry is slooooow. He has only one more base speed than what Virion has currently. He's saved by his decent defense and Dark Tomes having access to Nosferatu to save him a but, but Tharja's superior speed makes her the better Dark Mage. He probably needs a promotion ASAP just to keep up or at least up his durability from being doubled all day.
Official Bio: A Plegian dark mage with a fetish for bloodshed and an indelible grin. While disarmingly optimistic, he shows a gruesome lack of mercy while on the battlefield. The one with the lowest heart rate.